


PostDoctoral Position in Biochemistry :
Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Freiburg


University of Freiburg




Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Freiburg


January 08, 2010


March 09, 2010

Jobs by tag(s):

postdoc, biochemistry, chapeornes, ribosomes, yeast ,genetics,university of freiburg, germany

The group of S. Rospert at the Excellence University of Freiburg, Germany has a long-lasting interest in the analysis of chaperone function in eukaryotic cells. Focus of our work is the function and regulation of ribosome-associated protein biogenesis factors (RPBs), which interact with ribosomes as well as with newly synthesized polypeptide chains. RPBs in yeast include members of different chaperone families and the signal recognition particle (SRP), which is essential for co-translational protein targeting to the ER. We use a large array of biochemical and cell biological methods combined with yeast genetics to unravel the essential principals of RPB functions.

We offer a PostDoc position in either of the two ongoing research areas:

1. The role of ribosome-associated Hsp70 Ssb in the regulation of the energy sensor kinase SNF1.
We have recently found that Ssb affects the pivotal post-translational de-phosphorylation of SNF1, which is a central and conserved regulator of cellular energy homeostasis in eukaryotic cells. Since de-phosphorylation reversibly switches off the activity of SNF1, Ssb is crucial for the regulation of the energy metabolism.
2. Intraribosomal signaling via nascent polypeptide chains.
Our recent findings support a model in which strongly hydrophobic signal sequences, such as transmembrane domains, that are located inside the ribosomal tunnel can allosterically alter interactions of translating ribosomes with the targeting factor SRP.

For more details refer to our recent publications and our web page: http://www.biochemie.uni-freiburg.de/rospert/ 

Currently we are looking for a highly motivated PostDoc with a strong background in biochemistry, cell biology, or molecular biology. Successful candidates will be part of an international, highly motivated team optimally embedded into the live science campus of the University of Freiburg. The group of S. Rospert actively participates in the Freiburg Excellence Cluster (bioss), the programs of SFB 746, and FOR 967, as well as the Excellence Graduate School SGBM.

lease send applications (CV, letter of motivation, transcripts) to Prof. Dr. Sabine Rospert, Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Freiburg, Stefan-Meier-Str. 17, D-79106 Freiburg, Germany; sabine.rospert@biochemie.uni-freiburg.de.

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