


Employer: Northwestern University

Website: http://sun.mech.northwestern.edu

Location: Evanston, IL, USA

Type: Postdoctoral

Posted: August 03, 2011

Expires: September 30, 2011

job description

The research group in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Northwestern University invites applications for graduate students within the fields of nanophotonics and nanofabrication.

Nano-scale Fabrication

Positions are available for Physicists, Material Scientists and Engineers with extensive experience using several of the major top-down and/or bottom-up techniques for fabricating nano-structures (e.g. Nano-imprint, EBL , FIB , and ALD in particular). Hands-on experience in designing, fabricating, and characterizing photonic devices is highly preferred. In addition to natural experimental flair, candidates should also have an in-depth understanding of the chemistry and physics of micro and nano fabrication and synthesis.

Nano-optics, Plasmonics and Metamaterials

Intuitive candidates with a flair for creative experimentation in the optical near and far fields. Experimentalists with experience in NSOM , non-linear optics and optical instrumentation are encouraged to apply. Previous experience in nano-optics and metamaterials is preferred. Solid training in optics and solid state physics would be beneficial, as candidates will be expected to work closely with theorists.

Graduate Students with strong drive are also encouraged to apply for research assistantships and fellowships.

To Apply
Please send (1) a cover, (2) a one-page statement of current and future research interests, (3) a curriculum vitae with full list of publications, and (4) the names and contacts of at least two references. Application through email is recommended, to the following address:

Email: c-sun@northwestern.edu

or mail to:
Prof. Cheng Sun
Mechanical Engineering Department
2145 Sherdian Rd, #L292
Northwestern University

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