
Rehabilitation Expert


北京市海淀区 10年以上 本科

民营医院 二级 100~499人

  • 五险一金
  • 带薪年假
  • 节日福利
  • 晋升机会
  • 定期体检
  • 提供住宿
Duty and Responsibility
Rehabilitation expert with certain popularity in the field of sportsrehabilitation and orthopedic rehabilitation in China or abroad, canlead the rehabilitation team to get more improvements in technical andacademic level; So as to provide professional medical care for athletesand well-known sports teams preparing for the Olympics.
1、Major in Physiatrics, obtain physical therapist certificate;
2、 Over 10 years’ experience with sports trauma rehabilitation,Musculoskeletal system rehabilitation;
3、 For musculoskeletal (muscle, bone, joints )injury , have experiencewith sport injury prevention,evaluation,acute care,rehabilitation adjustment;
4、 Rich experience in providing medical care, rehabilitation forprofessional athlete, or team, winter sports team is preferred.
5、 Obtain Physical therapist certificate in US, European countries;member of one of the following group, WCPT, APA, IASP, APTA,NSCA,NATA,CATA,DVGS,WFOT; published paper regarding sport andrehabilitation in national authoritative journal such as 《JOSPT》.
6、 Fluent English communication, also can speak Chinese is better,Chinese is preferred.
7、 Work place is in Beijing. One consider work for long term with ourhospital is preferred .
  • 专业要求: 康复医学
  • 最低学历: 本科
  • 工作年限: 10年以上
  • 职称要求: 不限
  • 相关地区医院
  • 热门招聘职位
  • 相关职位推荐