
Wellness Manager 健康管理师


上海静安区 1-3年 大专

民营医院 三级 1000~9999人

  • 五险一金
  • 节日福利
  • 带薪年假
  • 工作餐
  • 晋升机会
  • 定期体检
  • 工作居住证
  • 弹性工作
Heal******** Manager's primary goal is to assist clients in improvingtheir health through forming healthy habits an******** their lifestyle.Heal******** Manager works closely with the clients in promotingwellness vision an******** individuals realize their personal best.Heal******** manager is responsible for developing a clien********relationship an******** the clients through the process of activelyworking towards better health by providing support, encouragement,an********.

To Individual Clien********
· Communicate openly an******** with client to develop a pos********lasting working relationship
· Assist clients in completing annual health check-up an******** healthassessment to identify health risks an******** habits.
· Assist clients to develop their own health improvement action plan
· Identify the nee******** behavioral change to improve health status,reduce health risks an******** quality of life
· Apply motivational interview an******** strategies to guide clientsthroughout the program
· Apply knowledge of healthy living to suggest solutions to clients
· Coordinate for the client to have consultations and/or work engagementwith ******** personal tra******** mental health an******** fitnessprofessionals
· Communicate closely an******** with other members of client’s wellnessteam
· Engage client in continuous activities to reach client’s health goal
· Provide encouragement, pra******** feedback an******** to help clientsustain the new healthy habits
· Provide evidence-based, health educational material to clients
· Examine an******** the vital signs like body temperature,bloo********, pulse rate, we******** he******** etc., accurately
· Refer the clients to obtain necessary medical care from Jiahu********system
· Keep clear, conc******** concurrent coaching documentation for eachclient; respon******** client request in a timely manner
· Keep strict client- coach confidentiality

To Corporate Clien******** (by work assignment only)
· Work closely with corporate client’s wellness team in meeting theorganization's health management goals
· Provide corporation its health risk aggregate data report to identifythe corporation's overall health risks
· Assist the corporation to development its annual health an********plan
· Provide face to face employee wellness coaching an******** education
· Offer general behavioral change techniques an********-help tools forexerc******** ******** me******** stress re******** goal settingtechniques to clients

· Provide support and/or services at corporate health fair events
· Provide supervision to other staff an******** members when necessary

KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, an********:
· Experience in nurse is highly perferred
· Basic knowledge in health, nutr******** mental health an********issues
· Basic knowledge of chronic ******** treatment an********
· Excellent verbal an******** communication skills
· Strong motivational an******** power
· Ability to communicate with clients of all ages an********
· Have strong empathy an******** for clients
· Ability to control own opinion an******** client in developing theirown wellness vision an******** improvement plan
· A well organize******** pleasing personality
· Have self-confidence with positive attitude
  • 专业要求: 护理学
  • 最低学历: 大专
  • 工作年限: 1-3年
  • 职称要求: 不限
  • 相关地区医院
  • 热门招聘职位
  • 相关职位推荐