1. 确保医院政策和程序得到妥善实施
Ensure hospital policies and procedures are carried out properly
2. 遵行儿科病房和新生儿重症监护室的护理标准,保持日常护理质量
Follow standard of care and maintain the quality of daily nursing inPeds-in and NICU
3. 完成护士长分配的任务
Complete tasks assigned by the head nurse
1. 至少3年以上儿科护理经验,有新生儿重症监护室工作经验者优先
At least 3 years working experience in pediatric nursing with NICUexperience is preferred
2. 持有效的中国境内注册护士执业证
Licensing Needed: Registered nurse in China
3. 具备良好的服务意识和团队合作意识
Good service mindset and team work