
科学编辑(Cell Discovery)


上海市徐汇区 经验不限 博士

科研院校 其他 1000~9999人

  • 五险一金
  • 工作餐
  • 节日福利
  • 补充公积
  • 医疗保险
  • 住房补贴
  • 带薪年假
  • 事业编制
Cell Discovery, Position Opening

Scientific Editor, Cell Discovery
CAS Center for Excellence in Molecular Cell Science
Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Chinese Academy of Sciences

Cell Discovery is an open access journal that publishes results of highsignificance and broad interest in all areas of molecular and cellbiology. Now we are seeking 1 full-time, in-house scientific editor tojoin its editorial team. The Scientific Editor will be trained to playroles in providing immediate and satisfactory supports to theEditor-in-Chief in all aspects of manuscript processing, which includebut are not limited to assessing submitted papers, overseeing thereviewing process, and commissioning review articles. The key qualitiesthe journal looks for are breadth of scientific interest and the abilityto think critically about a wide range of scientific issues.

The qualified candidate is expected to be or has:
1. Highly self motivated and creative (highly interested in the work ofscientific editing);
2. Doctor’s degree in cell biology and molecular cell biology(background in neuroscience preferred);
3. Good command of English and basic computer skills. Knowledge of Adobesoftware (Photoshop, Acrobat, etc) is beneficial;
4. Strong sense of responsibility, collaboration and independence;
5. Patience, carefulness and consideration;
6. Strong interpersonal and communication skills;
7. Open-minded and competent to learn new ideas and techniques.

Applicants interested in this position should send his/her applicationmaterials, including Curriculum Vitae and personal statement

Job Posting

Closing Date
  • 专业要求: 生物化学,细胞生物学
  • 最低学历: 博士
  • 工作年限: 经验不限
  • 职称要求: 不限
  • 英语等级: 专业四级
  • 相关地区医院
  • 热门招聘职位
  • 相关职位推荐