
GYN Physician 妇科医生(012194)


上海市静安区 10年以上 本科

民营医院 其他 1000~9999人

  • 五险一金
  • 节日福利
  • 带薪年假
  • 工作餐
  • 定期体检
  • 商业保险
Gynecology – the post holder provides comprehensive care of thetreatment and prevention of diseases and injuries of female reproductivesystem and the male partner where relevant, and to promote reproductivehealth.
This includes the provision of care in clinics, delivery rooms,operating theatres and the emergency department. Both in house (residentin the hospital) and on call duties are required at a frequencydetermined by the needs of the department.
The post holder will work as part of a department team which includesnurses, midwives, administrators and managers to provide a safe, highquality and efficient service to patients, maintain high quality medicalrecords, and complete such forms as are required for the properfunctioning of the department and the hospital.
The post holder will work with other departments, such asanesthesiology, pediatrics, surgery, radiology, in the hospital toprovide an integrated patient centered service.
1. Board Certified/Board Eligible (or equivalent) in Obstetrics and Gynecology
2. Doctor of medicine degree (or equivalent) from an approved school of medicine
3. Completion of residency training in Obstetrics and Gynecology at ahospital and program acceptable to the department Chairperson and ChiefMedical Officer.
4. Minimum 10 years attending experience in the clinical arena preferred
5. Fluency in English preferred
6. Superior diagnostic skills
  • 专业要求: 妇产科学
  • 最低学历: 本科
  • 工作年限: 10年以上
  • 职称要求: 中级
  • 英语等级: 英语六级
  • 相关地区医院
  • 热门招聘职位
  • 相关职位推荐