Introduction of the research group:
Dr. W.S. Sho Goh graduated from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory with aPh.D. in Biological Science. He has more than 10 years of experience inRNA biology and his recent focus centers on developing high-resolutionepitranscriptomic sequencing technologies and investigating novelepitranscriptomic mechanisms. In 2018, he established his ownindependent laboratory at the Singapore Genome Research Institute, wherehe has won multiple research grants, published in prestigious journals(including Nature Communications, Nucleic Acids Research Genes &Development, PLoS Computational Biology, Cell etc) and filed patents forhis developed technologies.
The laboratory aims to: (1) Develop technologies to sequence notableepitranscriptomes at high resolution; (2) Identify novelepitranscriptomic factors and characterize mechanistically how theyregulate gene expression, cellular processes and human disorders.
Research Assistant (1-2 persons)
1. Job responsibilities:
(1) Assist the person in charge of the laboratory to conscientiouslycomplete the experimental work arranged by the laboratory and meet thelaboratory's work standard requirements, be responsible for collectingand sorting out the original experimental records and data, andreporting them regularly.
(2) Daily management and maintenance of the laboratory, including butnot limited to: the purchase of laboratory reagents and consumables, themaintenance of laboratory cleanliness, the maintenance of tissue culturecell lines and the maintenance and overhaul of laboratory instruments.
(3) Assist in the establishment of transgenic cell lines.
2. Application conditions:
(1) Biological related background, bachelor degree or above.
(2) With work experience, good English is required.
(3) Experience in Bioinformatics is preferred but not required.
(4) Strong experimental operation ability, independent thinking andproblem-solving ability, and good team spirit and communication skills.
(3) Benefits:
Annual salary from 80,000 to 150,000 yuan depending on the candidate’sresearch background and work abilities[1] .