


上海市浦东新区 1-3年 硕士

生物企业 其他 规模不详

  • 五险一金
  • 节日福利
  • 带薪年假
  • 晋升机会
  • 定期体检
  • 弹性工作
Position Summary / 职位概况
Candidate will provide medical insight in Myopia Management area andinitiate research and development programs along E2E journey thatsupport upstream product development strategy. Establish internal andexternal stakerholders that support product development pipeline design,strategy review and validation.
He/she will also plan out efficient resource allocation strategies forthe corporate and promote overall academic collaboration and KOLinstitutional relationship.
Requirements / 要求
Education / 教育背景
• A Doctocal's degree (PhD) in Opthamology, Optometry, Clinicalmedicine, or the related branch of study. A Master’s degree isnegotiable if candidate has stronge experience background

Experience /经验
• 3+ years medical affair experience, lead and/ or participanted inclinical study and academic activities, experneice in Opthamology orOptometry is a plus.
• Clinical support on new product launch (NPI), including beta siteestablishment, tesimonials, clinical evidence study.
• Upstream marketing and / or downstream marketing for productdevelopment strategy.
• Business continuum development and/ or standard setting withindustrial leading KOL is a plus
• Professional working level of verbal and written in English andChinese

Other skills /其他技能
• Possess strong leadership and KOL management skills
• Ability to work on multiple projects and meet deadlines
• Experience in successful implementation of plans and achievement ofobjectives
• Ability to handle pressure, complex situations, and problem-solvingcapacity
• Ability to think analytically and strategically
• Hands on paperwork, literature analysis etc.
Main Tasks / 主要任务
Duties and responsibilities include but are not limited to:
•work with internal and external stakeholders, to design and executeresearch studies to guide effective use of information and resources aswell as develop program objectives, strategies and study methods onmyopia management
•Develop and execute data study, clinical study and medical issues toenhance strong product value proposition
•Contribute to strategic discussions/product development planningprocesses to enhance the effectiveness of implementation of corporatestrategies
Evaluate proposed or current policies and interpret studies’ findingssuch as cutting-edge technology development and implementation forMyopia prevention and management
•Suggest up-to-dated technology and standard for intervention andprevention of Myopia
•Distribute academic literature, presentations and reports’ researchfindings; communicate standard of care or clinical study results toappropriate internal / external audiences
•Effectively allocate and deploy resources including people, activities,projects and investment
•Perform literature analysis and Myopia academic study programs withinteractions with government officials.

  • 专业要求: 眼科学
  • 最低学历: 硕士
  • 工作年限: 1-3年
  • 职称要求: 不限
  • 英语等级: 英语六级
  • 招聘人数: 1
  • 相关地区医院
  • 热门招聘职位
  • 相关职位推荐