


江苏省苏州市 3-5年 本科

民营医院 三级 1000~9999人

1. Coordinate with the Division Heads within the Department to assureappropriate clinical oversight and integration of services, includingregular review of clinical protocols and policies, and implementation ofSystems level policies and protocols as appropriate. Works to ensurebest practice environment for our providers, high quality outcomes, andworld class clinical care.
2. Coordinate with the JIH Education leader to ensure a robustDepartment training program, optimized for both local and globalexperienced team members.
3. Coordinate with the JIH Quality and Safety leader to ensure thesafest environment attainable, driven by best standards of practice.When opportunities for quality improvement are identified, shall workclosely with the Quality & Safety Leader and the Department’s staffto ensure robust implementation and continued monitoring of outcomes.
4. Coordinate with JIH Executive Leadership for the financial and otheroperational targets for the Department, assuming responsibility forrelevant operational KPIs and working with Divisions Heads, JIH Financeleadership, and other colleagues to maximize Department revenue andcontrol costs to within acceptable parameters.
5. Coordinates with the Chairs of other departments, and the JIHExecutive Leadership, to advance the integration and coordination ofcare between departments, divisions, and service lines.
6. Works closely with JIH leadership to examine new opportunities forcare delivery models that arise from industry and government reforminitiatives, as well as from opportunities to create improved patientoutcomes through the use of technology and other innovative practices.
7. Ensure that all Department team members embrace JIH’s visionregarding the quality and completeness of the patient experience.
Research, Education, and Emerging Technologies (REET)
8. Working with the JIH Executive Leadership, relevant JIH researchgovernance committees, and the IRB, provide oversight to all researchactivities relating to the Department’s providers, assuring adherence toquality standards set by the organization and government regulations.
9. Working with the JIH Executive Leadership, provide oversight to theEducation leader and be co-accountable for developing a high quality,nationally recognized Department training program.
10. Working with the JIH Executive Leadership, provide oversight to theEducation leader of other departments for developing high quality,nationally recognized physician training program for other specialties.
11. Will work with JIH Executive Leadership and affiliated corporateleadership to assess opportunities for investments in emergingtechnologies pertinent to the Department’s service lines.
12. On behalf of JIH, interface with other local, national, andinternational interests involved in Department-related research andeducation, exploring opportunities for collaboration when appropriate.
13. Provide editorial supports to NEJM医学前沿.
  • 专业要求: 内科学
  • 最低学历: 本科
  • 工作年限: 3-5年
  • 职称要求: 中级
  • 相关地区医院
  • 热门招聘职位
  • 相关职位推荐