


深圳市福田区 5-10年 学历不限

民营医院 三级 1000~9999人

  • 五险一金
  • 节日福利
  • 带薪年假
  • 工作餐
  • 定期体检
You Will:
- Provide diagnosis and treatment of the conditions of the mouth, gumsand teeth. Also provide patients with advice and recommendations toprevent future oral health issues.
- Performing clinical duties as general practitioner (i.e. comprehensiveexamination, x-rays, restoratives, root canal treatment, extractions,crown and bridges, scaling, teeth whitening and etc.) to adults and children
- Maintaining a steady flow of patients by overseeing day-to-day bookingand by monitoring patient recalls
- Training and managing staff to maintain a high standard of dental carein a warm and friendly environment
- Dealing with any patient complaints that may arise as a result ofdental treatment, miscommunication, billing, etc.
- Participating community activities to promote dental care

You Have:
- Board Certified/Board Eligible (or equivalent) in Dental
- Chinese physician practice license, Doctor of dentistry degree (orequivalent) from an approved school of dentistry.
- Completion of residency training in Dental at a hospital and programacceptable to the Departmental Chairperson and Chief Medical Officer.
- Minimum 5 years’ experience post-residency in the clinical arena preferred.
- Fluency in Mandarin required.
- Fluency in English preferred.
- Qualified in Basic Life Support preferred.
  • 专业要求: 口腔医学
  • 最低学历: 学历不限
  • 工作年限: 5-10年
  • 职称要求: 不限
  • 招聘人数: 1
  • 相关地区医院
  • 热门招聘职位
  • 相关职位推荐