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天科雅生物科技有限公司是由高层次海、内外人才团队于2016年8月在北京中关村生命科学园注册成立的高新技术企业。公司中国总部在北京,目前有重庆天科雅,美国TCRCure Biopharm洛杉矶(LA)和北卡罗来那州(NC)三个研发和临床转化中心。 公司已经完成了由美国和中国的专业医疗行业VC机构ETP与分享投资领投的A轮融资,建成了产、学、研和生物医学技术相关的研发平台,生产平台和转化技术平台。 天科雅是以征服癌症为使命,致力于帮助病人和医生把肿瘤慢病化以至最终治愈的生物医药研发型创新公司。以T细胞为最终靶向,本公司专注于肿瘤免疫治疗技术的创新性研发,以及联合治疗策略的临床验证。并以产业化引领研发方向,将前沿免疫治疗技术以可承受的成本推向临床,尽可能多地为病人与医生服务。 公司科学及临床团队汇聚了国内外免疫细胞治疗领域高尖端生物科技人才。研发团队中,硕士及博士高学历人才占比80%以上,核心科学团队成员来自杜克大学、斯坦福大学、南加州大学等世界著名院校。已申请4项美国专利和7项中国发明专利,在Cell、Nature、Nature Biotechonology等国际知名刊物发表论文数近百篇。 公司围绕肿瘤免疫细胞治疗产品的研发,已经建立行业领先,国际水准的四大核心技术平台。包括TCR免疫组学和大数据分析平台;个体化肿瘤抗原特异性TCR的克隆和组装平台。基于T细胞生物学特性的基因改造技术平台和工业化临床级的病毒转基因载体生产平台。 公司基于四大核心技术平台,重点打造了四条核心产品线,主要包括:通用型TCR-T产品线;高端TCR-T定制治疗产品线;临床免疫监控及免疫药效评估试剂盒生产线和记忆型+抗抑制的CAR-T、TCR-T产品线。公司近期推出的产品包括用于宫颈癌和头颈癌的TCR-T治疗产品; 中期将持续推出用于治疗结直肠癌,肺癌和脑癌的CAR-T和TCR-T产品以及用于用药指导,病程监控和预后判读等系列检测试剂盒;长期规划中,将推出用于个体化恶性实体肿瘤精准治疗的TCR-T产品,为最终预防和治愈恶性肿瘤提供病人和医生用得起,治得好和见效快的系列肿瘤免疫细胞治疗产品。 TCRCure Biopharma LLC was founde******** August 2016 by a team of immunologists an******** engineers from both USA an********. TCRCure is headquartere******** Be******** China. Over the course of two years, TCRCure has establishe******** R&D sites in Los Angeles, California an********, North Carol******** as well as a translational medicine center in Chong******** China. In 2017, TCRcure successfully close******** A funding. The investment was le******** multiple professional healthcare venture cap******** including Share Capitol an******** Biomedical Venture Capital. To ******** TCRCure has streamline******** ******** vector an******** manufactur******** as well as clinical translation intende******** full-fledge******** services. The ultimate goal of this company is to develop next generation cancer immunotherapies that control tumor progress******** convert cancers to chronic but manageable ******** an******** lea******** cure. Focusing on T cell eng******** TCRCure develops cutting edge therapeutic tools an******** regimen for oncological intervention. Emphasizing on clinical outcomes, TCRCure aims to industrialize biotechnologies in cancer immunotherapy to affordable cares for broa******** of patients. TCRCure encompasses top talents in the fiel******** immunology an******** therapy, with more than 80% of employees having master’s degree or higher. The leadership team features professors from Duke Un******** University of South California an******** Un******** who have publishe******** of scientific articles in high-profile journals including Cell, Nature an******** Biotechnology. TCRCure’s dedication in immune cell therapy is supporte******** four pillars of advance********: TCR repertoire analysis an******** data mining; high throughput antigen-specific TCR cloning; T cell genetic engineering; GMP-level and-industry scale vector production an******** cell manufacturing. Base******** these platforms, TCRCure has establishe******** major pipeline of produc******** generalizable TCR-T; personalize********-T; long-live******** suppression-resilient CAR-T/TCR-T; and, clinical immune monitoring services. TCRCure will soon initiate clinical trials for the treatment of HPV-relate******** an********/neck cancers. In the mid-term, TCRCure will quickly expan******** for various indications including colorectal cancer, lung cancer an********, as well as companion immune-monitoring services for treatment evaluation. The long-term plan involves the de nova development an******** of personalize********-T products at an acceptable cost for individual cancer patients.
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