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Sichuan Provincial Hospital for Women an******** 四川省妇幼保健院•四川省妇女儿童医院 一、医院简介 我院始建于1988年4月,系四川省卫生计生委直属非营利性事业单位,是成都医学院附属妇女儿童医院。是一所集医疗、保健、公共卫生管理、教学、科研、培训等职能为一体的省级三级甲等妇幼保健机构。四川省妇幼健康和计划生育研究所、四川省产前诊断中心、四川省新生儿疾病筛查中心、四川省儿童医学中心等机构均设于我院。医院秉承“以人为本、真心相护;以德为先、自强不息”的宗旨,以“提供个性化、专业化的高品质医疗保健服务,带动提升全省妇幼保健专业服务能力”为使命,坚持“正直、勤俭、敬业、卓越”的价值观,致力于不断增进全省及周边地区妇女儿童的健康,并成长为“国内一流、西部前列”的妇幼保健机构与妇女儿童专科医院。 1. Introduction Sichuan Provincial Hospital for Women an******** was founde******** April 1988, a non-profit institution directly administere******** Health an******** Planning Commission of Sichuan Province. It is also affiliate******** an********’s Hospital of Chengdu Medical College. As a Grade III Level A Maternity an******** Health Inst******** it integrates functions of medical care, public health management, e******** scientific research, training. Bes******** it is entitle******** Maternal an******** Health Research Inst******** Sichuan Provincial Antenatal Diagnosis Center, Sichuan Provincial Neonatal Diseases Screening Center, an******** Provincial Chil******** Center. Adhering to the principle of “people-or******** whole-hearted, morality foremost, striving for perfection”, the values of “******** diligence an********, dedication an********”, an******** mission of “providing personal******** specialize******** quality medical serv******** promoting the maternal an******** health care capabilities of the whole province”, we are committe******** improving the health of women an******** within Sichuan an******** surrounding areas, an******** become one of the best women an********’s hospital in Ch******** especially in western China.. 二、保健服务(重点介绍科室、特色、学科) 医院现有业务用房建筑面积共计7.2万㎡,编制床位600张,在省委省政府的关怀支持下于天府新区规划建设编制床位800张的新院区。医院主要开设有妇科、产科、小儿内科、小儿外科、新生儿科(早产儿诊治中心)、重症医学科、急诊科、计划生育科、生殖医学中心、医学遗传与产前诊断科、乳腺甲状腺专科、成人内科、妇女保健科、儿童保健科、孕前保健科、口腔科、耳鼻喉科、营养科、皮肤科、中医科、等临床科室,其中产科、生殖医学、优生遗传与产前诊断学、儿童保健学、新生儿科、儿童重症医学、超声医学是省级医学重点学科(专科)。药学部、麻醉科、检验科、输血科、超声科、病理科、放射科、新生儿疾病筛查科等医辅医技科室齐全,拥有大量的先进医疗与实验设备。在妇科微创手术、盆底与泌尿疾病、高危产科、胎儿医学、产前诊断、新生儿重症以及辅助生殖等专业领域方面居于国内先进或省内领先水平。 At present, the hospital covers 72000㎡for business with 600 beds. With the support of Sichuan Provincial CPC Committee an******** Provincial government, a new hospital with 800 beds is under construction in Tianfu New District. The hospital mainly has such clinical departments as Obstetrics Dept., Prenatal Diagnosis Dept., Pre-gestational Care Dept., Reproductive Medical Center, Gynecology Dept., Woman Healthcare Center, Family Planning Dept., Breast Surgery Dept., Adult Internal Me******** Intensive Care Un******** Emergency Dept., Pediatric Internal Me******** Neonatal Dept., Chil******** Department, Dept. of Stomatology, E. N. T. Dept. an******** Dept.. Equippe******** a large quantity of advance******** an******** instruments an******** the assistance of Pharmacology Dept., Anesthesia Dept., Radiology Dept., Bloo******** Dept., Functional Examination Dept., Pathology Dept., an******** Disease Screening Center, our hospital has reache******** or provincially advance******** in such fields as minimally invasive surgery of gynecology, pelvic floor an******** ******** high-risk obstetr******** fetus me******** prenatal ******** newborn intensive care an******** reproduction. 三、专家团队(补充有特殊贡献或者特长的专家) 截止目前,医院现有职工919人,其中副高以上职称150人,研究生以上学历169人。拥有国家卫生计生委生殖健康专家组、妇幼保健中心专家咨询委员会专家,享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家,省级学术和技术带头人和省有突出贡献的优秀专家等一批学科带头人。 3. Expert Team Up to now, there are 919 employees, of whom 150 have senior professional titles an******** have a master degree an********. We are staffe******** members of the National Health Committee of Reproductive Health expert panel, the Expert Consultative Committee of Maternal an******** Health Center, an******** specially subsidize******** of the State Counc******** the provincial academic an******** leaders. 四、科研教学(论文发表、教学方面) 国家儿童早期发展示范基地(2016) ,四川省博士后创新实践基地(2016) ,中华医学会妇科腔镜培训基地(2017) ,中华预防医学会宫颈病变防治进修基地 ,四川省妇产科、儿科住院医师规范化培训基地 ,四川省首批药师、护士试点规范化培训基地,四川大学等医学院校的教学实习基地,成都中医药大学教学医院。四川省医学重点学科七个:产科、生殖医学、优生遗传与产前诊断学、儿童保健学、新生儿科、儿童重症医学、超声医学。 4. Scientific Research an******** National Early Childhoo******** Demonstration Base (2016) Sichuan Postdoctoral Innovation Practice Base (2016) Chinese Medical Association Gynecological Laparoscopy Training Base (2017) Chinese Preventive Medicine Association Cervical Disease Prevention an******** Continuing Education Base Obstetrics an********, Pediatric Residents Standardize******** Base of Sichuan Province Standardize******** Pilot Base for the first batch of pharmacists an******** Seven key medical disciplines of Sichuan Province: obstetr******** reproductive me******** eugenics an******** ******** chil********, neonatology, critical medicine of ch******** ultrasoun********. 五、外向发展(妇幼专科联盟建设、国际交流合作) 牵头组建“四川省妇幼专科联盟”秉持“平等互利、开放包容、务实创新”的基本原则,充分发挥省级妇幼保健机构龙头引领作用,以医院特色专科技术力量为支撑,以专科协作为纽带,促进联盟工作高质量发展。目前妇幼专科联盟单位达58家,其中大成都范围及市州级医疗保健机构38家,纵向三级(区县)医疗保健机构20家。我院在医疗保健业务、学科建设、妇幼公共卫生、信息化建设、人才培养、科研教学、机构运营与等级评审等方面对联盟单位全方位开展协作。 积极开展对外交流与合作,如与澳大利亚皇家妇女医院、皇家儿童医院结为姊妹医院,长期与美国有关组织合作开展新生儿窒息复苏培训项目以及产儿科高级生命支持培训项目,选派人员到国外进修学习,邀请国外专家来院工作、教学,共同开展项目合作,促进了医院发展。 5. Development an******** Adhering to the principle of “equality an********-w******** open an********, result-oriente******** innovation”, we have organize******** Maternal an******** Health care Alliance to fully play the role of leader in maternal an******** health care institutions in Sichuan Province. At present, the alliance includes 58 medical ******** all of which conduct cooperation with our hospital in medical care, discipline construct******** public health, tra******** scientific research, an******** on. We have actively carry out international cooperat******** such as establish sisterhool******** with Royal Children’s Hospital an******** Women’s Hospital of Austral******** carry out long-term cooperation with institutes in the Unite******** on neonatal resuscitation training programs an******** advance******** support training programs, sen******** to other countries for further stu******** invite foreign experts to the hospital for work******** teach******** an******** joint projects, which help promote the development of the hospital. 六、方式(电话、地址、二维码等) 电话:******** 地址:成都市武侯区沙堰西二街290号 微信公众号: TEL: +86 28 ******** Add.: No.290 San Yan X******** Street, Wuhou D******** Chengdu
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