



Post-Doctoral Position in Biological Mass Spectrometry : Medicinaregatan 9A, 41390 Gothenburg, Swweden
University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Medicinaregatan 9A, 41390 Gothenburg, Swweden
March 11, 2011
April 30, 2011
Jobs by tag(s):
oligosaccharide mass spectrometry
Requisition number:
Dr Niclas Karlsson
 job description
Are you interested in a Post doc position in one of the most progressive areas in life science? This opportunity is now available as collaboration between NIBRT, Dublin and University of Gothenburg, Sweden!
Details: In recent year mass spectrometry has revolutionized life science discovery and many of the breakthroughs in medical and biological research has relied on data generated by this technique. University of Gothenburg and NIBRT are now collaborating to generate the resources necessary for using mass spectrometry for exploring the role of glycosylation and diseases. The approved candidate will be provided with a postdoctoral scholarship for one year to work at the University of Gothenburg’s mass spectrometric facility with access to two Orbitrap MS one FT-MS and three ion trap MS. The work involves sample preparation and analysis of biological oligosaccharides from clinical samples to investigate the role of glycosylation in inflammation. One of the main tasks will also be to provide curated MS data to populate the experimental public database UniCarb-DB in collaboration with The Swiss Institute for Bioinformatics, Geneva and Macquarie University, Sydney. The position will be extended beyond the current funding depending on work progress and successful applications in extension of current grant.
The ideal candidate will have a PhD degree in chemistry, biochemistry or related sciences. People with knowledge of biological mass spectrometry and database curation will have priority.
To apply, please send a CV and the names of two referees to Niclas Karlsson, Dr Niclas Karlsson, +46 (0)31-7866528, mobile +46 (0)768-672651, niclas.karlsson@medkem.gu.se This position is funded through The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education.
Closing date: Apply by 30th April 2011
The approved candidate is expected to start in July 2011
[作者:丁香招聘    编辑:]