



   "Biofunctionalization of an engineered protein nanoscaffold for cell-based applications "

    Funded by the HEFCW (Higher Education Funding Council for Wales) and under the EU’s 7th Framework Programme, this project brings together cell biology and protein engineering approaches in a interdisciplinary effort to address stem cell replacement therapy in treating spinal cord injury. The funding is guaranteed for 2 years initially, with potential for an extension upon performance review.

    The successful applicant will work in both the group of Dr Olga Mayans at the Institute of Integrative Biology, University of Liverpool, UK and the group of Prof Bing Song at the Cardiff Tissue Engineering & Repair Laboratory, School of Dentistry, Cardiff University, UK. The selected applicant will primarily engage in the molecular engineering and functionalization of a protein scaffold (to be carried out in Dr Mayans' laboratory) and, subsequently, will establish its potential for neural stem cell encapsulation (at Prof. Song's laboratory). For recent work of these labs in this field see (1) Zhao et al, 2006, Nature; Meng et al., 2010, Experimental Neurology and (2) Bruning et al., 2010, Nano Letters. It is foreseen that the candidate will spend time at each laboratory according to project requirements and that (s)he will coordinate a close collaboration between both groups, including the design and management of cross-disciplinary experiments, formal reporting and meeting schedules.

    The project requires a strong background in the recombinant production of proteins (including their chromatographic purification) as well as in molecular biology approaches for protein engineering. An understanding of biopolymers and their applications as biomaterials is highly desirable and will be of distinct advantage. Experience in cell biology is desirable, but further training will be provided.

    Salary at £29853-£35646 per annum, further increments can be considered depending on experience.

    Applications should include a comprehensive CV and contact details for two referees.

    For enquiries and applications please contact Prof Bing Song at SongB3@cardiff.ac.uk or Dr Olga Mayans at Olga.Mayans@liverpool.ac.uk


2. 带薪年假:大学带薪年假38天,国家带薪公共假期7天,共计45天。
3. 养老保险:享受政府USS养老保险(个人出一份,政府补贴两份)。如果长期在英国工作生活到退休年龄(男性65岁,女性60岁),退休后享受USS养老保险。如果在退休年龄前离开英国,在英国工作期间应得的养老保险将在达到退休年龄时开始每年发放到保险人制定的国外银行账户。
4. 工作合同初步设为2年,根据工作表现可以考虑续签。续签后工作满5年即有资格申请英国绿卡(永久居留Permanent Residence)。英国目前的永久居留申请条件是连续工作4年11个月。获得英国永久居留满1年有资格申请英国护照。
6. 根据工作经验和经历,大学可以考虑报销一部分搬家费。
7.本项目是HEFCW以及欧盟FP7资助的耗资180万欧元的大型国际合作项目,宋冰教授是项目申请人和负责人,合作伙伴包括英国利物浦大学Dr Olga Mayans, 日本东京大学Dr Shoji Takeuchi。博士后申请人在4年工作期间有机会到这些实验室工作6 个月 — 1 年,全部的签证申请费,国际差旅费以及一部分的日本生活费将由本项目基金资助。

[作者:丁香人才网    编辑:]