


postdoc fellow : Cincinnati, OH, USA


University of Cincinnati College of Medicine


Cincinnati, OH, USA


October 27, 2009


December 26, 2009

Jobs by tag(s):

molecular biology,  cancer biology, androgen receptor, mouse tumor models, postdoc

job description:

A postdoctoral position is available immediately to investigate molecular mechanisms of androgen receptor signaling and blockade of the signaling by a group of small molecule compounds in culture and in mice. The position requires a Ph. D or an equivalent degree in biological science with a strong background in molecular and/or cancer biology. Experience with mouse tumor models, immunohistochemistry including frozen and paraffin-embedded tissue sectioning, cell culture, and basic molecular biology techniques are desired.


To apply send (e-mail preferred) curriculum vitae, summary of research interests, and name and contact information of three references to: Dr. Zhongyun Dong (e-mail: dongzu@ucmail.uc.edu), Department of Internal Medicine, Hematology-Oncology Division, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, 3125 Eden Ave., Rm 1308, Cincinnati, OH 45267.

[作者:egretxm    编辑:]