



INCa/CNRS (http://www.ens-lyon.fr/LBMC/)


Post-doctoral position to work on telomeres and cancer


Ecole Normale Supérieure Lyon, France

Date Posted

August 7th 2008

Date Expires

October 1st 2008


postdoc, lyon, and france


A post-doctoral position funded for three years (start end of 2008) is available in the team “Telomeric and epigenetic regulation » directed by E. Gilson. Candidates should hold a PhD degree and have advanced skills and knowledge in Cellular and Molecular Biology. An ability to use of lentiviral vectors would be of advantage.

The team led by Eric Gilson studies the structure and function of telomeric and heterochromatin regions in yeast and in human cells. Two general approaches are developed: i) elucidation of the role(s) of telomeric ligands in telomere length regulation, transcriptional silencing and various human disorders, including cancer and facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD); ii) exploration of long-range chromatin interactions in the creation or maintenance of functional chromosome domains in yeast as well as in normal and cancer human cells. http://www.ens-lyon.fr/LBMC/

The project concerns the role of telomere in oncogenesis. Specifically, the post-doc will explore how dysfunctional telomeres are sensed and signal in cancer cells.


Applicants should send a curriculum vitæ, a brief statement of research interest and the names of three referees by email to

[作者:jurgen    编辑:]