
瑞士Lausanne EPFL研究所计算生物学研究博士后岗位


Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) (http://www.epfl.ch)


Post-Doctoral Position in Computational Biology


Lausanne, Switzerland

Date Posted

June 24th 2008

Date Expires

August 23th 2008


computational biology, bioinformatics, systems biology, transcriptionregulatory networks, signal processing, biophysics, yeast, epfl,lausanne, and switzerland


The School of Life Sciences at EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale deLausanne, Switzerland, http://sv.epfl.ch/) is a rapidly growing academicentity that is progressively establishing itself on the internationalscene as a major center in Life Sciences Research. Its current focus ison Neuroscience, Bioengineering, Cancer Research and Infectious Diseases.

The EPFL Laboratory of Computational Systems Biology and theBioinformatics and Biostatistics Core Facility (EPFL-BBCF) have anopening for a

Post-Doctoral Position in Computational Systems Biology

Desirable experience: Computational biology with strong background intranscription regulatory networks, genomics, signal processing, andsystems biology.

Position: The position is funded by the SystemsX.ch RTD project “ASystems Approach to the Yeast Transcriptional Regulatory Network”(http://www.systemsx.ch/index.php?id=151). The project is aimed atanalyzing and modeling comprehensive protein expression dynamics datathat will be acquired by our collaborators using a large-scalemicrofluidic approach. Algorithms for the analysis of detailed timeseries measurement of all the open reading frames in yeast during thecell cycle under various perturbed conditions will be developed, withthe goal of better understanding the underlying regulatory networks.Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments relevant to growth controlwill also be generated within our consortium and analysis methods needto be implemented for integration with the protein expression data.

The successful candidate will integrate into an interdisciplinary teamand take charge of:

• Modelling and analyzing comprehensive protein expression data in yeast
• Analyse chromatin immunoprecipitation data from ultra high throughput sequencing
• Integrating public datasets and designing relevant comparative studies

• PhD in bioinformatics, computational biology, applied mathematics,physics, or an equivalent subject

Motivated and broadly interested individuals willing to operate in amultidisciplinary environment on challenging scientific projects arewelcome to apply. Contract will be initially for one year and isrenewable yearly up to 4 years maximum. Salary will be commensurate withqualifications and experience. EPFL is an equal opportunity employer.


Please send a full CV, a statement of interest and names of tworeferences by mail or e-mail to:

Prof. Felix Naef (felix.naef@epfl.ch)
Dr. Jacques Rougemont (jacques.rougemont@epfl.ch)
Bâtiment AAB
Station 15
CH-1015 Lausanne

Starting date: 1rst October 2008 or later
For further information, please contact Dr. Jacques Rougemont,jacques.rougemont@epfl.ch, or Prof. Félix Naef, felix.naef@epfl.ch.
Phone: +41 21 6931621
[作者:jurgen    编辑:]