



Telethon Foundation/University of Turin


Turin, Italy


Postdoctoral position in epithelial stem cell biology

Date Posted

Sep 11th 2007


A full-time post-doctoral position is available at the Molecular Biotechnology Center of the University of Turin. The research of the laboratory focuses on the molecular mechanisms regulating stem cell self-renewal and differentiation in stratified epithelia of the skin and the ocular surface. Ongoing projects include functional analysis of the PI3-kinase/Akt signaling pathway in keratinocyte stem cells.

The Molecular Biotechnology Center has a strong emphasis on the development of innovative stem cell-based therapeutic approaches, and the successful candidate will have the opportunity to interact with other laboratories within the Institute with a strong expertise in studies of cell signaling and gene regulation in a variety of experimental models and physiopathological conditions.

Candidates with a strong background in cellular and molecular biology, developmental biology, genetics or biochemistry are encouraged to apply. Experience with mouse animal models would be desirable, but not a strict requirement.


Interested candidates should send a curriculum vitae including information about education, research experience and publications, and provide a list of three individuals that can serve as references by e-mail to:

Enzo Calautti, M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Telethon Scientist
Molecular Biotechnology Center
University of Turin
Via Nizza 52
10126 Torino

Phone +39.011.670.6411
Fax +39.011.670.6432
E-mail ecalautti@dti.telethon.it

Additional information on the research activities of the laboratory can be found at the link:


[作者:jurgen    编辑:]