Employer: Karolinska Institutet, Institute of Environmental Medicine (IMM)
Website: http://ki.se/IMM
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Type: Postdoctoral
Posted: March 13, 2012
Expires: March 31, 2012
job description
IMM, Institute of Environmental Medicine is a department at Karolinska Institutet and an
interdisciplinary research institution within the broad field of environmental medicine. IMM
conducts cutting edge research within the areas of environmental and occupational medicine,
toxicology, physiology, and epidemiology. IMM also serves as a scientific advisor to public
authorities within the area of environmental medicine and IMM scientists participate in national
and international expert groups that conduct risk assessments or develop guidelines.
Excellent Research in Environmental Medicine
Post docs
IMM can offer highly motivated junior researchers the opportunity to conduct their research in a creative and inspiring environment.
Postdoc in Cardiovascular epidemiology (1278/2012)
Research is investigating mechanisms behind cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis with a
particular interest in genetics and novel inflammatory biomarkers. The studies utilize various
epidemiological materials, case-control materials on post-myocardial infarctions and controls,
cohorts containing non-invasive assessments of atherosclerosis and also the Swedish Twin Registry.
Large biobank materials are utilized for determinations of biomarkers as well as for genotyping.
Postdoc in Environmental Medicine/Toxicology/Epidemiology with
focus on health effects of early-life metals exposure (694/2012)
The research is focusing on health effects of early-life exposure to toxic metals and related
mechanisms and factors modifying disease susceptibility. We are working with several birth cohorts
and measure exposure mainly through biomarkers, using modern ICP-MS techniques.
Postdoc in lipid mediators as biomarkers for asthma and allergy(1381/2012)
Research is aiming at understanding mechanisms in asthma and allergy. In the project you will use
and further develop LC-MS/MS-based methods for quantification of lipid mediators such as
prostaglandins, leukotrienes and related molecules in a range of biological matrices (blood, sputum,
saliva, urine, mostly collected from patients and human volunteers. The projects will however also
involve work with material from experimental models.
Postdoc in mechanistic research on human airway diseases (1380/2012)
An in depth knowledge about the cellular and molecular mechanisms behind local host defense may
prove critical for the development of novel strategies in inflammatory airway diseases such as
chronic asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The project is focused on
understanding how exposure to environmental agents such as allergen, endotoxin, and tobacco
smoke, respectively, influences the mobilization of various IL-17-producing lymphocyte
populations in human airways.
Postdoc in Psoriasis epidemiology (1584/2012)
The work will be focused on unraveling the pathogenesis of psoriasis integrating epidemiology,
genetics and immunobiology. The work bridges the gap between skin research conducted in a
clinical setting and laboratory-based molecular medicine. Psoriasis is associated with significant
cardiovascular co-morbidity and the project is integrated within The Center for Research on
Inflammation and Cardiovascular Disease (CERIC).
Postdoc in toxicokinetic population models as basis for biomonitoring (695/2012)
The research focus at development and application of toxicokinetic population models as basis for
biomonitoring. A substantial part of the work relates to PBPK model development and computer
simulations of the toxicokinetic behavior of biomarkers.
Qualifications for all positions
The applicant must hold a doctor’s degree be fluent in English and have excellent communication
skills and an ability to interact socially and scientifically with researchers and students.
Please see IMM homepage ki.se/IMM or job.ki.se for detailed information about the positions, qualifications, application procedure and contact persons. Please send your application to registrator@imm.ki.se to reach us by no later than March 31 2012.
Karolinska Institutet is one of the world´s leading medical universities. Its mission is to contribute
to the improvement of human health through research and education. Karolinska Institutet accounts
for over 40 per cent of the medical academic research conducted in Sweden and offers the
country´s broadest range of education in medicine and health sciences. Since 1901 the Nobel
Assembly at Karolinska Institutet has selected the Nobel laureates in Physiology or Medicine.
[作者:丁香人才 编辑:]