



University of Pennsylvania


A Postdoctoral position to characterize mechanisms contributing to the impairment of glucocorticoid signaling in airway structural cells during chronic airway diseases.

Job Description:

Position available immediately for PhD postdoctoral fellow to characterize mechanisms contributing to the impairment of glucocorticoid signaling in airway structural cells during chronic airway diseases. This research will rely on multiple complementary approaches such as siRNA technology, transfection of reporter vectors as well as over-expression of constitutively active or dominant negative proteins, co-immunoprecipitation and co-localization techniques, chromatin immunoprecipitation, gel shift assays, and site direct mutagenesis. Ultimately, this position will dramatically enhance the postdoc’s technical skills and will broaden his/her expertise in molecular pharmacology and cell biology.
Qualifications: Applicants for this position should have a strong background in molecular biology, and have tissue culture and biochemistry experience. Candidates should have a Ph.D. degree in the life sciences (molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology or related field). Previous experience with siRNA technology, GST-pull down assay, chromatin immunoprecipitation, gel shift assays, or site direct mutagenesis is preferred but not required. Should be able to work with minimal supervision after initial experimental designs have been established. Should be able to consult the literature and acquire new techniques independently.


Please forward a cover letter, an updated CV with publications, and the names and addresses of three references to:

Dr. Omar Tliba
Research Assistant Professor of Medicine
University of Pennsylvania/Pulmonary/ABI
TRL Suite 1200
125 South 31st Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104-3403
Tel 215 746 3593, Fax 215-746-1224

[作者:xiaoyan    编辑:]